Room & Board Payments
Room & Board payments can either be made in person at the Administration Office, Monday – Friday 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m., or by mail. Pre-authorized payments (PAP) are available. This allows the Home to directly withdraw a pre-approved amount of money to cover the costs for room, board and other incidentals. To establish the PAP account, a void cheque is required and a “Consent for Pre-authorization” form is completed. Statements are issued on a monthly basis and are due on the first of each month. Anyone wishing to pay their account “after hours” can do so by submitting their payments under the door of the Business Office.
A summary for income tax purposes will be issued in January of each year.
Financial Assistance Eligibility
In the event that a resident has insufficient income to cover the standard cost for basic accommodation, a rate reduction may be requested upon presentation of a “Notice of Assessment” provided by The Canada Customs & Revenue Agency after filing of an income tax return has been done. The details of this program are available at the Nursing Home should they be required. There is no rate reduction for residents in semiprivate or private rooms.
Comfort Allowance
The government provides a “comfort allowance” for senior citizens in Ontario who receive G.I.S & O.A.S. Some residents may be receiving financial assistance that may require an annual renewal in order to continue or maintain their current level of assistance. Please ensure that the renewal or continuance forms sent to you, are completed promptly and returned, to avoid any disruption of assistance.