Resident Care Conferences
At the time of admission, a nursing and medical assessment is completed, and a plan of care is formulated with input from the resident, family, physician and Nursing Home. A Resident Care Conference is held annually, or more if required. This offers an opportunity for all parties to communicate and maintain a consistent approach to the care and quality of life for the resident.
This conference is an excellent opportunity to share information in an informal setting, at a scheduled time with all the Nursing Home departments represented. The Director of Resident Services and Administrator are also available for family conferences at other times, if required. Concerns or questions can be addressed to the nursing staff at anytime.
Staff working in the nursing unit continually evaluate the plan of care and update the approach based upon resident’s status. The resident and family are encouraged to be active participants in all components: the assessment, planning of care and the evaluation of outcomes discussed. Also, the resident and family members are encouraged to become involved in the provision of care to the extent that they are able and willing. The resident and/or family member may have access to the plan of care, upon request. If they require assistance to read or understand the contents and its intent, this can be provided.